Hiya everyone.

How do you like things so far? I've been really pleased with how everyone is working in year 5 and 6 this year. My aim is to give you the skills to support you as you head towards the Secondary School. With that in mind we have embarked upon creating websites. In the next couple of years everyone will have a website and so I am looking to put you at the front of the line.

Year six have started us off and have done very well. But remember a website takes a lot of hard work. It also combines all the skills we would be doing in ICT anyway.

We will be making websites with year 5 in the very near future.

As part of this journey, I have been making this and the football website to show the possibilities of what you could do. The best example have also been added to the links page.

The latest feature I have added is the audio player. I think the song I have picked is a little bit strange but I really like it. It is a song about the fact that we need to be careful in life because everything we do affects other people. Listen to it a couple of times and I think you will like it.